Coming in at #8 on our 2022 Top Sellers list is the Aloha Lures Baby Smash Bait.
We released 2 versions of the Baby Smash Bait in 2022 - the fish head Scared S#!+less & mirrored versions. Both sold about equally well. Here are a couple "real talk" facts that must be presented for some perspective.
Real Talk Point #1: We didn't start selling these until July 8, 2022
Real Talk Point #2: After nearly every single web drop, these beauties were long gone by sundown.
What this tells you is that this lure was smoking hot from the moment we began hitting the "go gadget go" button on the GZ site, and we expect that it will continue in 2023.
The only non-mirrored non-fish head Baby Smash Bait we carried all year was a super rare old school plain bright strawberry pearl head (included in this post) we received from another fisherman and dropped right before the new year. Of course, it sold the first day.
Let's get into a bit on the character behind these beautiful baits, Captain Erik Rusnak. First off, if you don't know a lot about him or his brand, Erik is no Joe Schmoe.
He built his first lure mold at the age of 12. If you've seen an older lure head that looks similar to some of his "Aloha Lures" heads under the signature "Merlin Bluewater Lures" or signed "Merlin", that was his old signature before establishing Aloha Lures. In fact, on many of his larger lure heads now, he will carve his "Merlin" signature on one of the skirt saddles - Most of our Baby Smash Baits had his signature carving.Erik might be the most networked lure maker we do business with. If you have met or spoken to him in the past, it's not hard to figure out why that might be. He is littered in people skills and is a genuine human being who straight up loves people and loves fishing. He's also another great "fisherman" lure maker with an extensive history fishing all over the world, which has definitely helped with his worldwide recognition.
We will get more into Erik's story next time as it's probably not the last time you will see Aloha Lures on this list.
Check out our Interview with the man himself on our YouTube channel if you haven't already - It is well worth your time.
Link to YouTube Interview: